Proposed Liquor Tax

Fort St. John

WHEREAS the abuse of alcohol places a burden on society and is a contributing factor to homelessness; AND WHEREAS dealing with the effects of alcohol abuse would place an undue strain on the municipal tax base: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to direct 5 of the existing revenue received from the sale of liquor sold through rural agency stores, licensed retail stores and government liquor stores to the local government in which the outlet is located, with the funds to be utilized to fund homeless and homeless-at-risk shelters and detox facilities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF FINANCE Government recognizes that alcohol abuse imposes a burden on society and contributes to homelessness. For this reason the province is working with local governments on a multi-pronged and comprehensive approach to address homelessness, mental health and addictions. In addition, the Provinces Safer Communities Initiative includes an 84-million federal-provincial-local partnership to find innovative solutions to these problems.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended