Federal Actions to Improve the Availability of Affordable Housing


WHEREAS Canada has seen a loss of low-cost housing, which includes rental accommodation and houses, and has more and more people living on its streets over the last two decades; AND WHEREAS through government action andor inaction at both the federal and provincial levels, we know that more individuals and families are finding it harder and harder to attain and maintain adequate housing and that for many of those who have housing, maintaining a roof over their heads means that they and their families go without food, clothing, heat and other basics; AND WHEREAS homelessness and the lack of affordable housing for children, youth, their families and others in our communities, affects the health and quality of life of Canadian society: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the federal government, with its provincial, municipal and non-government organization partners, take immediate and meaningful action to ensure that low income Canadians have adequate and affordable housing and that particular attention is paid to the housing needs of children, youth and families including immigrants, those with disabilities and those with mental illness and that an annual report on the progress of this initiative is issued to the public through the popular media.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMENS SERVICES On December 3, 2004 the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia jointly announced the signing of the second phase of the Canada-British Columbia Affordable Housing Program Agreement. The new agreement allocates 84 million towards transitional housing and a range of supports to help communities tackle the challenges of homelessness, mental illness and drug addiction. Under the agreement developments will provide a continuum of affordable housing with support services to those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, people with mental illnesses and physical disabilities, those with drug and alcohol addictions, Aboriginal peoples, youth, and women with children fleeing abusive relationships. Support services include counselling, drug and alcohol treatment, and job training that will help people break out of the cycle of poverty and despair. The provincial funding for the program is in addition to the 154 million a year that the provincial government provides for social housing - the highest amount ever provided in B.C. The Province has also provided an additional 5 million in provincial funding for increased emergency shelter support across the province. This includes 153 additional year-round emergency shelter beds, and 198 additional coldwet weather shelter beds. There is also a one-month extension of all coldwet weather beds province-wide to April 30, 2005.

Convention Decision