Establishment of Group Homes in Rural Communities

Fraser-Fort George RD

Whereas community care facilities are typically established in rural communities with little or no consultation with local governments; And whereas providing the opportunity for local government input on zoning and location would be beneficial in determining suitability and neighborhood integration: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to direct appropriate ministries to consult with local governments, as a matter of policy, regarding plans to establish all community care facilities under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act in rural communities; And be it further resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to consider legislation that would require rezoning or other local regulatory approval process for the establishment of a community care facility, such as a group home, in a rural community.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health It is generally the expectation of the Government of BC that community care facilities will follow local zoning bylaws. There are some community care facilities that are not required to go through re-zoning, and an exemption for these small facilities is provided in Section 20 of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. The facilities that are exempt from local zoning by-laws are those that are operated as a residence for no more than ten persons, of which not more than six are persons in care. These provisions have been in place for many years to ensure that persons who need care and support are not excluded from living in the community. When the large institutions for persons with developmental disabilities were closed, many clients returned to their home communities. These provisions help to ensure that their rights to live in the community are supported.

Convention Decision