Change to Community Charter

Fraser Valley RD

WHEREAS Section 108 of the Community Charter outlines restrictions on previous municipal councillors or board directors from using information gained that is not public information with a resulting pecuniary gain; AND WHEREAS the penalties for such contravention of the public trust are warranted, actions that may be brought against a former councillor or board director may present a liability to the local Charter or to the possible defence of a former councillordirector due to the requirements of the application of an indemnity bylaw with subsequent recovery of costs if the former councillordirector is found at fault and, if possible, to recover such costs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province is requested to change the Community Charter so that the potential liability of the local government is limited to a specified term and not left in an unlimited period of exposure - that is not to say an offence by a former councillordirector should be limited; rather, only the local governments liability due to costs arising from action over which local government has no control.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed