Avian Influenza Disaster Relief Recovery


WHEREAS municipal governments in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia are contending with the Avian Influenza crisis; AND WHEREAS the poultry community is devastated by the disease and the economic impacts of the epidemic are now witnessed by businesses directly and indirectly associated with the poultry industry; AND WHEREAS the City of Abbotsford appreciates the importance of eradicating the disease, and is cooperating with the federal and provincial governments on a range of related issues, the City is not in a position to provide financial support to those families and businesses devastated by this disaster; AND WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities adopted resolution CSCP04.2.06, entitled, Disaster Relief Recovery Avian Influenza at its 2004 Annual Conference as a category A resolution and forwarded a letter regarding disaster relief recovery to the Minister of State Public Health, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the federal government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia to respond to the BC poultry industry request to the federal party leaders for 340 million in rapid recovery support to help the industry recover from the devastating Avian Influenza crisis.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES The depopulation of the Lower Mainland poultry industry due to the outbreak of Avian Influenza AI had far reaching impacts on primary producers, support services, allied industries and communities in the Fraser Valley. These impacts have affected both the short-term and long-term economic welfare of the BC poultry industry and economy. Under the Health of Animals Regulations, the Federal Government provided 64 million in compensation at market value for birds ordered destroyed, as well as any related costs incurred in the destruction and disposal of birds to eligible poultry producers. Industry and the federal Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA have determined what is fair market value to compensate for depopulated flocks. Poultry producers affected by Avian Influenza are also eligible for different levels of income stabilization assistance under the federalprovincial Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization CAIS program. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries urges all producers to consider the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program to assist with unusual declines in overall farm income. Recent discussions between Ministry staff and the poultry industry groups indicate that repopulation is well underway in the Fraser Valley and producers are already exporting poultry to the United States. During the Avian Influenza outbreak, extraordinary trade provisions such as supplemental imports and production from other provinces were put in place to meet BC processor needs so that two-thirds of processor jobs were kept in British Columbia. Job sharing arrangements and a waiver of severance payments for laid-off workers also assisted allied industries. We are proud that during the crisis, British Columbia made what was a huge in-kind contribution of staff time and facilities to help industry and the CFIA control and eradicate the virus. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries continues to work closely with the Federal Government, local governments and industry on the economic recovery strategy for the poultry industry. The BC Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries recently met with the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to discuss the economic impacts of Avian Influenza in British Columbia. There will be costs associated with re-establishing the poultry industry in the domestic and export markets. To re-establish these markets, we must ensure that poultry products are safe for consumers and prevent future Avian Influenza outbreaks. Industry and governments at the municipal, provincial and national levels are working together towards establishing strategies for enhanced bio-security measures. Ministry staff are working closely with local governments and the Fraser Valley Regional District to ensure we have effective disposal strategies in place for the future.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended