Alternative Justice Program Funding Grants

Fort St. John

WHEREAS the present justice system is not cost effective, timely, nor fair as it applies particularly to first-time and youthful offenders and minor offences; AND WHEREAS victims of these offences do not receive a sense of justice in a system that has long delays and often trivializes offences; AND WHEREAS Alternative Justice Programs can address all these shortcomings with appropriate criteria, set by the Province and monitored by the RCMP or other local police force: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities call on the Province of British Columbia to mandate, implement and fund Alternative Justice Programs where community organizations exist, meeting provincial criteria and standards, or where they may exist in the future; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that local government be given the option as to whether or not it wants to implement the mandated provincial program or implement its own Alternative Justice Program using volunteers from the community.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL The Ministry recognizes that alternative justice programs community accountability and restorative justice programs offer a valuable and complementary alternative to the formal criminal justice system. There is federal legislation respecting the use of alternative justice measures. Specifically, the Criminal Code deals with the use of alternative measures for adults, and the Youth Criminal Justice Act provides guidance for the use of extra judicial measures for youth. In keeping with the federal legislation, for cases referred by Crown Counsel, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General provides alternative justice measures through Adult Community Corrections Adult Probation while the Ministry of Children and Family Development provides a similar service through Youth Justice Services Youth Probation. For police-based referrals, a less formal discretionary process of alternative justice is available. This process may include referral to a Community Accountability Program as a way to respond to some minor offences. The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General provides start-up and ongoing funding for eligible volunteer-based Community Accountability Programs. To qualify for funding, programs must meet existing provincial criteria. In addition to the financial support provided to these programs, the Ministry provides additional guidance, resources and training opportunities, as well as the opportunity to apply for limited insurance coverage.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended