Recycling Deposit Refund System Expansion


WHEREAS the recycling of tires, batteries and other items benefits the environment, economy and society; AND WHEREAS the Return-It beverage refund-deposit system achieves the highest return rate for recyclable materials in the province, by providing a direct incentive to users to recycle items and materials: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM petition the provincial government to mandate the expansion of deposit and refund systems currently used for beverage containers to other recyclables.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The addition of the Packaging and Printed Paper Product Category to the Recycling Regulation in May 2011 obligates the producers of all packaging to adequately provide for collection from residences and municipal property province-wide. Starting in May 2014, all containers that are not under the Beverage Container Product Category will be required to be collected and recycled regardless of material type, including milk and tetra-pack containers. There is no intention at this time to add deposit-refund obligations to any regulated products other than beverage containers. Producers regulated under the Packaging and Printed Paper Product Category will have to consider collection methods that will meet recovery targets and will also need to consult with stakeholders when designing and implementing their stewardship programs. These consultations will likely occur in the Spring of 2012 given that the product stewardship plans are due to be submitted to the Ministry by November 19, 2012. Local governments are encouraged to provide their input on efficient, convenient and environmentally preferable methods for packaging material collection during these consultations.

Convention Decision