Establishment of Gaming Research Organization


WHEREAS problem gambling is known to be associated with casinos: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the provincial government to create an independent provincial research organization, akin to the Alberta Gaming Research Institute.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Delivery of responsible gambling is a shared responsibility, involving government, the British Columbia Lottery Corporation, gaming services providers, communities, and other key stakeholders. The Province has developed a Responsible Gambling Strategy, which has research as one of its key components. A comprehensive research program helps inform policy and program development, as well as resource allocation. British Columbia is actively engaged in the national research agenda for responsible and problem gambling, in conjunction with other provincial partners. Problem gambling prevalence studies were conducted in 1993, 1996 and 2003. Another study is planned for 2007. As well, the Province is currently involved in a long-term research study in the Lower Mainland examining the social and economic impacts of casinos. An advisory committee including provincial and municipal government representatives and BC Lottery Corporation staff is working with independent researchers in BC and Alberta to determine the scope of this research. The Province continues to draw from the knowledge gained by objective research being done locally, within Canada, and around the world. At this time, the need for an independent research organization is not evident.

Convention Decision