Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Funding

Kitimat-Stikine RD

WHEREAS the Canadian Coast Guard, as the mandated principal provider of maritime search and rescue, has a responsibility to support and oversee the activities of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary; AND WHEREAS the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is increasingly dependent on other funding sources to provide and maintain vital search and rescue services because of restricted Canadian Coast Guard funding: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the federal government expand funding for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary to include assistance to community-based auxiliary units for the purchase, operation and maintenance of capital assets, equipment and supplies required for marine search and rescue.

Federal Response

FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA Resolution B50, regarding Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Funding, asks that the CCG increase its federal funding of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary CCGA. Let me begin by stating how much the CCG appreciates the volunteer efforts of the CCGA who assist in search and rescue. CCGA Pacific is to be commended for their hard work in providing these services to their community. The primary purpose of the CCGA is to augment the capability of existing primary Coast Guard search and rescue vessels. The CCG initiated the formation of the six Auxiliary associations to provide a co-ordinated framework for the volunteers who wanted to offer their services and their boats through a formal organization. These volunteers, along with their boats, make up the Auxiliary. The Coast Guards role is to co-ordinate activities, as well as to provide funds for training, insurance coverage and reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses during authorized activities through the Contribution Agreement between the CCG and the CCGA. It is not the practice of DFO to provide search and rescue vessels nor equipment for local communities throughout Canada. Therefore, the CCG unfortunately cannot accede to your request to provide funds to the CCGA for the purchase, operation and maintenance of capital assets, equipment and supplies. You should be aware that at the end of the 1990s, the CCGA was receiving around 1.5 million annually and was encouraged to move away from its funding dependency on the federal government and increase its fundraising activities to cover the various costs you identify. However, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, CCGAs annual insurance premiums increased and in 2002 the five-year Contribution to CCGA was increased to 4.5 million per year for 5 years to help offset this increase, plus rising fuel costs. The CCG was able to find an additional 401,000 for fiscal year 2004-05, thus bringing the total to 4,901,000. The Coast Guard will continue to assess requirements within its existing mandate. I am sure you will agree that this is a significant investment in this exemplary volunteer organization.

Other Response

FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES The FCM previously adopted and conveyed a resolution on this topic submitted by the Sunshine Coast Regional District. The SCRD resolution was forwarded to the Minister of Transport for comment.

Convention Decision
Endorsed Conveyed to FCM